Main Card Up Logo in header

US PATENT NO. 6,227,504.         ©2013-14 CARD UP™        Like us on Facebook >


CardUp™ is a cleaver, easy to use "Greeting Card Display Stand" designed with an adhesive backing that will not damage paint or finishes. Now consumers can safely dislplay your cards on the mantelpiece or windowsill, on the inside of a windowfram, under the mantelpiece, on the wall, on the table, inside a doorframe, on a desk at the office, on a shelf, under a shelf, You get the idea. As long as you have a flat surface you can use CardUp™. That's why it's great for homemakers and students, office workers and retailers.

What is CardUp™?

Research suggests that the average purchaser of CardUp™ would buy at least six during a year period.

CardUp™ is a unqiue product in the gift industry because while the use appeals to women, the design of teh product itself appeals to men. Plus, the growning trend in devoting more store space to display and picture-frame sales to bring men into greeting card and gift shops makes CardUp™ a significat cross-over item.


CardUp™ is an adhesive backed triangular card stand that prevents displayed cards from tipping over by a breeze or adding another card. Plus, no more messy scotch tape!

Enjoy the apperance of hanging your cards at home or in the office  with ease! It enables cards to be displayed above or below any flat horizontal or vertical surface, like a door frame, wall, shelf or mantlepiece.


Most customers will want to purchase serveral units of CardUp™ card stands. The triangular shape of CardUp™ lends itself to distinctive multi-pack designs.

The potential for multiple and frequent repeat sales is great. Consider the size of CardUp™ adn imagine ho many units a simple display can hold. The CardUp™


Video Coming Soon.


Simplicity at its best

1. Peel off clear adhesive protective liner.

2. Fold flaps up at a right angle toward the side of the CardUp Logo.

3. Sitck the CardUp trianglar base on the surface you want card displayed,

    Adhesive will not damage surface.

4. Attach flaps to inside corner/fold of card

5. Close card, press firmly to adhere.

6. To unstick, remove slowly, will not damage card.

Peel. Fold. Stick. CardUp. Simple.

When a card stands for more than a greeting™

Ways to use the CardUp



- Coming soon!

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